Bloviators Crossing the Line
Bill Maher and Rush Limbaugh have something in common. They are both worth avoiding and for the same reason—their sweeping generalization and gross exaggerations are divisive and reprehensible.
Therefore, so you do not have to listen to either one, WinLoseorDraw will. WinLoseorDraw will set his timer for five minutes each and record the worst things said in those brief time spans.
Bill Maher: 3/9/2018 on HBO
“Everything that was unthinkable two years ago is thinkable now… Dictatorship… Facism … all those kinds of things…. Nuclear War…. Nothing is off the table.”
Rush Limbaugh: 3/20/2018 WOKV 104.5
“The Palestinians want to eliminate all Jews.” And …”Robert Mueller is working for the Democrats.”
By the way, a major theme of Rush’s show is that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are somehow still responsible for all the problems that we face.
Is Mueller investigating the Clinton Foundation, Clinton speaking fees or Uranium One? How did Mueller fare in the anthrax case?
How accurate are polls in Palestine?
How could anyone believe that dictatorship, fascism and nuclear war unthinkable? I assume Maher thinks Trump is the problem. A big part of the dictatorship/fascism program is to increase regulations but Trump has sought to reduce them, unlike the other party. Russia continues to modernize its nuclear forces so they must think it is thinkable. I think unthinkability is an issue here.
Well, let’s think about it.
I agree totally with Wendel Wright…the evidence is abundantly clear on all counts.
Here is another. In 2011 US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called the balanced budget amendment bill, “The worst legislation in US History.” Worse than the fugitive slave law, Senator? Speaker Ryan and Leader McConnell, where is that bill now?
What planet is Harry Reid from? A well considered and carefully crafted Balanced Budget amendment would be the crowning jewel in the Legislative Crown.
Earth is host to organisms that have been evolving for 4 billion years, billions of generations and trillions of individuals. Dominance/submission intra species competition behaviors are adaptations ubiquitous throughout the Animal Kingdom. In our species, war, government and politics are extended phenotypes and the urge to win and dominate is strong. Rationality and real concern for people who do not benefit us directly are adaptations that sometimes are subordinate to our urges.
Adaptation is good! Let’s keep adapting.
Natural Selection-wise an adaptation is any trait that promotes genes to replicate. Some biological adaptions conflict with our ethics adaptations. For example, to conquer a country, kill the males and rape the females is highly adaptive but is often considered to be unethical.
In your conquering of a country scenario, the more aggressive gene structures are promoted, but the less aggressive gene structures are stopped in their evolutionary tracks. WinLoseorDraw would prefer that genetic replication and ethical behaviors were more harmoniously aligned.
That is one reason our ancestors immigrated to this environment.
Rush Limbaugh allegedly said that if it was not for the lack of enforcement of the Fairness Doctrine during the Reagan Administration, his hate radio would not have been possible. The solution is simple, replace the Federal Communications Commission with members who will enforce the Fairness Doctrine. The next progressive administration can do it but we don’t need to wait that long, members of Congress must agitate for this now.
Leon, you are not alone. Let’s network with the author of this:
Here is another one. On NPR some months ago E. J. Dionne said, “The social contract is broken. We need a new social contract.” I did not sign the current contract.