The events in the Capitol today, January 7, provoke me to say only the following: Democracy is the Hope of the world. Unfortunately, some people in America are still unworthy knuckleheads holding Democracy back.
Both sides of the aisle!
Proposed: Uphold the idea that America has always been Great, and does not need a tin god to claim to be making it “Great Again.”
Employ the 25th Amendment.
The DC Police made the political process great again.
Too many frat boys go into politics and forget to leave their frat boy antics at the fraternity house. Frat boy hijinks seem to have infected the American political process and many of the voting constituents.
Here is a Trump executive order that Biden should not rescind:
I over-reacted. The 25th Amendment is not appropriate here, the president did not call for violence. My first reaction when I heard of the assault on the Capitol was “ANTIFA is leading this.” My second thought was “shoot them.” Trump was best when he read prepared speeches, like this latest:
Frat boys are a major part of the Elite, any social system has hierarchies. Jason Whitlock has his take on the elites and it addresses Win Lose or Draw’s “Both sides of the aisle!”
Thank you for the link to Jason Whitlock’s article in The Blaze (1/8/2021).
WinLoseorDraw agrees with Mr. Whitlock that the protestors who disgracefully sullied the United States Capitol building have concerns that should be addressed rather than suppressed. Those knuckleheads are reprehensible idiots who seem to live in fear that their historic societal (some people say white) privilege’s might somehow be suddenly eroding away. Still, Mr. Whitlock makes a good point. Reasons for their angry expressions of resentment should be heard and processed, not just dismissed or ignored so that those protestors can stop acting like small children who didn’t get their way. Then they might calm down and go back to being loyal American citizens again.
Mr. Whitlock draws a favorable comparison between those protestors and the founders of our country. Really? Well, come to think of it, our founders did get involved in some crazy escapades, so that comparison is not completely out of bounds, I guess.
Overall, Mr. Whitlock seems to think that the attack on the Capitol was carried out by much better people than the protestors involved in any Black Lives Matter protest. I don’t think that is necessarily true. In fact, I’m pretty sure it isn’t.