When the Supreme Court sent up a trial balloon as to the future of Roe V. Wade six weeks ago, I posted on the topic of Abortion. Now that the current nine have overturned the nine of five decades ago, it is time for me to repeat some of what I wrote and expand somewhat on the topic of Contraception.

First, let’s put away the placards on both sides and cancel the marches on Washington. This is the thorniest of issues and none of the argumentative finger pointing is going to change that.

As soon as conception takes place, which is within just a brief few hours after intercourse, the opportunities and attendant rights for, not just one, but two or more entities comes into play: the fertilized embryo, the mother, and the mother’s entire extended family, not to mention the father and his extended family. At the instant of conception things get very, very complicated.

In effect, the Supreme Court said that it was not qualified to adjudicate the issue of abortion and now leaves it to states. The problem is that the states are equally unqualified, and it goes almost without saying that often the individuals involved are unprepared and unqualified to make these decisions.

As I said, six weeks ago, any discussion of the issue based on ethics is always going to founder on the question of the value of a human life, but the value of any human life can only be weighed and measured at the end of that life, not before it has even started.

From a practical standpoint, making abortions harder, moral issues aside, will often but not always lead to thoughtless pregnancies followed by unwanted children suffering in less than nurturing environments, and that will cause problems for society at large down the road.

If, as currently seems likely, the country and many states take a more conservative approach to abortion, we as a nation must be prepared for the consequences of those actions. If we take a moral stance and go Pro-life, what will we do to counter the inevitable consequences? Contraception to effectively prevent inception is the only good option.

Contraception must be readily available, as I’ve heard is the case in the United Kingdom! There are many varieties. The women have only to be well educated and choose the one that appeals to them.

Contraceptive tactics have been around since ancient times. Last night I watched a show on the History channel, The Booze, Bets, and Sex that Built America. One segment of the show featured an immigrant named Julius Schmid who made a fortune manufacturing and selling condoms illegally before and during World War 1. He had to stay on the wrong side of the law because of the high-minded reformers of the Temperance movement at the time. He was performing a valuable public service that people wanted, but he still got arrested. During the war, he could not sell to the American troops, so he sold to the allied forces. Consequently, the allied soldiers suffered less venereal disease and remained where they were most needed, on the battlefield.

Attention high-minded moralists of this century and this decade: If you are going to draw a hard line on abortion, then you are going to have to be lenient and permissive on contraception.