Call me a boy scout; but if you can’t win fair and square, you don’t deserve to win.
Dominion Voting machines has filed a defamation lawsuit for 1.6 billion dollars against Fox News and its parent company. Fox, as most of us know, undermined the belief in fair and free voting in America by airing the Big Lie that the voting was rigged and stolen.
The trial was supposed to start today. It did not, and the reason for the delay is that Fox is angling for an out of court settlement.
Prediction: There will be a settlement as opposed to a trial. Fox will avoid the embarrassment of a public trial. It’s only money after all. Fox will pay, and then they will go about their business as usual. Their viewers will remain loyal, and Fox will continue to rack in the money.
We, the American people, will end up with a bad taste in our mouths. Otherwise, nothing will change, and that is a shame!
Abolish Fox, put them in jail. Capitalist news is sensational and biased. Only the people’s government should control information.
Thanks, Leon! I’d like to see some meaningful sanctions for news agencies of all kinds that willfully lie to stir up partisan factions and create dissension in my beloved country, America, and I would be in favor of a short jail term if that would help. However, I remain committed to the doctrine of free speech, and to a diversity of voices in the press as long as those voices are making a good-faith effort at telling the truth and presenting facts as they really are.
Professor Alan Dershowitz is worried about more than bad taste.
Richard: Thanks for the article!
Dershowitz said, “Dershowitz told “Rob Schmitt Tonight” the settlement is troubling to him because of its effect on the First Amendment — it might leave Fox inclined to self-censor for fear of further lawsuits.”
You think?! Fox news very much does need to self-censor when they knowingly lie!
Dershowitz also said, “”The First Amendment is in great danger when there are any restrictions, particularly when you’re reporting on something accurately that may be false,” he said.”
Unfortunately, that was not the case! They were knowingly and willfully inaccurately reporting what they knew to be a lie! If they had been accurately reporting, they would have qualified their reporting of the the Big LIe by mentioning that the Big Lie was false! They knew the lie was a lie and they reported it falsely by pretending that there was some credibility to it.
The Big Lie.
Can agnostics and skeptics be forgiven?
Agnostics and skeptics are two separate categories of negativity. Still, negativity, in and of itself, is very often a positive force, irony very much intended.