This month’s top ten discussion topics

The Top Ten change on the first of every month!

States Rights

States Rights

Ex-president Donald Trump enunciated a policy on abortion. Even though many of his supporters like to think of him as an outsider, he is a politician; and he did a very political thing. He avoided taking a stand. He said that abortion decisions should be left to the...

Four Party America Continued

Four Party America Continued

The first blog I wrote, back in 2013, poked fun at both the Democrats and the Republicans for their misguided attempts to corral enough voters to make the false claim to a Permanent Majority. That is never going to happen, and yet both parties are still orchestrating...

Four Party America

Four Party America

Some years ago, I wrote about PEW research that identified nine distinct political personas within the greater American political landscape. The thrust of my words, then and now, is to say that the two-party system is failing in its promise to represent us. The nine...

American Isolationism

American Isolationism

The CBS Sunday Morning show this morning did a segment on the death and destruction in Ukraine. The problem was discussed, but no solutions were put forward. No solutions are ever put forward. The situation in Ukraine is just one of the Political issues used by both...

The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments, also known as the Decalogue, are a set of biblical principles that play a fundamental role in both Judaism and Christianity. These commandments were given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai and are recorded in the Bible in Exodus...

Depression Solutions

Depression Solutions

First, we all face up to depression without exception. The only difference is in how we deal with it, and there are only three ways. The most popular way is through elevated levels of cynicism, skepticism, and disdain. That approach gives us a temporary sense of...

East of Gaza

East of Gaza

Three months ago, Palestinian militants made the mistake of conducting a military operation into the area east of Gaza (AKA the West Bank). Inevitably, Israel retaliated with far superior force, killing militants and civilians alike. I asked AI if Palestinians can...