by Win Lose or Draw | Feb 8, 2025 | Culture Wars, History as it applies to the Future, Politics
There has been a flurry of presidential activity since Donald Trump took office once again. Using a sports analogy, all these presidential decrees are meant to Flood the Zone, throwing a ton of stuff on the wall to see what sticks. A less charitable interpretation...
by Win Lose or Draw | Oct 23, 2024 | History as it applies to the Future
Thirty days hath September, April, June, etcetera! The old memory aide only rhymes at the beginning and never does explain why we have months of 28 days (sometimes 29), 30 days, and 31. Nonsense! The Julian calendar which dated back to 46 BCE was replaced by the...
by Win Lose or Draw | Sep 18, 2024 | History as it applies to the Future
Title adulterated slightly to placate over-sensitive AI Before the next election every voter owes it to him or herself to wrestle with the following question: Does Donald Trump know he’s lying? It’s an important question because if he does not, he has somehow managed...
by Win Lose or Draw | Sep 4, 2024 | History as it applies to the Future
Journalistic Sensationalism is a plague destroying our country. It is at historically high levels and continuing to rise. We are seeing it in connection with the upcoming presidential election as both sides seek to paint the opposition in the most negative and least...
by Win Lose or Draw | Apr 7, 2024 | History as it applies to the Future, Politics
Any reputable school of Journalism teaches that their discipline sank to a low water mark in America at the end of the 1800’s. Two competing newspapers, one owned by Joseph Pulitzer and one owned by William Randolph Hearst, destroyed the integrity of the news with...
by Win Lose or Draw | Feb 26, 2024 | Education, History as it applies to the Future, Science and Emerging Technology
A lot of the information below comes from What follows is from my extremely limited and non-scientific perspective. Today’s eighth grader is learning things about which I am only vaguely aware. Here’s what I know: The ancient Greeks had various ideas on...
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