by Win Lose or Draw | Dec 8, 2019 | Witty Repartee on any topic
America was born before the Revolutionary war. It was born when thoughtful people here started reading political philosophers and theorists of the early 1700’s like John Locke. At our very inception it was clear that we would stand for two things: Free...
by Win Lose or Draw | Dec 5, 2019 | Witty Repartee on any topic
A chess player who uses the screen name Timbeau wrote “There is only one political party in the US and it has two wings: One is called Democrat and the other Republican. The fundamental differences are non-existent. Both have a long history of managing the...
by Win Lose or Draw | Dec 2, 2019 | Witty Repartee on any topic
WinLoseorDraw received an internet snippet from his brother-in-law. It was a snapshot entitled “Did you Know?” It said that senators and representatives were originally paid only a per diem. The article went on to speculate that the Founding Fathers wanted...
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