Colin Kaepernick
Colin Kaepernick says he wants to support the Black Lives Matter movement. Here’s what he did right and what he did wrong. It is his right and even his duty to protest injustice as he sees it; but when he disrespects the National Anthem, he misses the mark badly. America doesn’t hire the cop who pulls you over. If some local cop has a bad attitude, it isn’t America’s fault. America may be able to do something about it, but it isn’t America’s fault.
By the way, when you get pulled over, show some respect for the officer, and you will almost always receive some mutual respect in return. If not, jot down his or her name and badge number for later use.
Abolish subsidies for stadiums; taxpayers should not be forced to pay for others’ entertainment.
This Comment seems to be better suited to the “Entitlements” Posting.
A person has the right to act in any legal manner to publicize their protest against anything that they feel is wrong.
In turn, I have the right to be offended by their action and act accordingly, also in a legal manner. No one has the right to tell me what I must be or cannot be offended by.
Explaining to me the injustice that they are protesting does not mitigate the offense that I feel for their disrespectful action. I may even agree that a valid protest is appropriate.
This is as true for the demonstration during the National Anthem (which I find merely disrespectful) or the display of the confederate flag (which offends people whom I respect and could be interpreted as treasonous).
These people have the right to act in this manner. I have the right to view these people with a level of contempt that is normally reserved for the voluntarily ignorant.
WinLoseorDraw agrees with the right to well targeted protest. Human progress depends on it. My reading of your insightful commentary is that you agree.
WinLoseorDraw’s commentary was meant to point out the fact that Colin Kaepernick’s protest was not well targeted. By kneeling for National Anthem he is implying that the National Anthem is not worth standing for.
If Colin Kaepernick believes that America is systemically racist, then WinLoseorDraw disagrees. There are racists in America, but that is not the same thing.