by Win Lose or Draw | Mar 17, 2024 | Politcal Parties, Politics
The first blog I wrote, back in 2013, poked fun at both the Democrats and the Republicans for their misguided attempts to corral enough voters to make the false claim to a Permanent Majority. That is never going to happen, and yet both parties are still orchestrating...
by Win Lose or Draw | Nov 7, 2018 | Politcal Parties, Politics
Newt Gingrich Newt Gingrich is a learned individual and a student of history. He also has an affable sense of humor. However, he is well known for his exaggerated sense of Republican Partisanship. Still, the essence of American political discourse is a battle for the...
by Win Lose or Draw | Oct 31, 2018 | Education, Politcal Parties, Politics, Witty Repartee on any topic
The One Question Quiz: Below you will find four distinct sets of political statements/opinions. Each group of statements is meant to be representative of a distinct group of American voters. Therefore, the four sets of statements are theoretical Party Platforms for...
by Win Lose or Draw | Oct 7, 2018 | Politcal Parties, Politics, Witty Repartee on any topic
SANITIZING SOCIALISM MISSION ACCOMPLISHED After the collapse of the Soviet Union & its buffer satellites of eastern Europe, there was an article in National Review about an effort to sanitize the word socialism. I’d never really thought any sanitization was...
by Win Lose or Draw | May 23, 2018 | Politcal Parties, Witty Repartee on any topic
The New Pledge of Allegiance From Wikipedia: “The Pledge of Allegiance of the United States is an expression of allegiance to the Flag of the United States and the republic of the United States of America, originally composed by Rear Admiral George Balch in 1887,...
by Win Lose or Draw | Mar 20, 2018 | Politcal Parties, Politics, Witty Repartee on any topic
Bloviators Crossing the Line Bill Maher and Rush Limbaugh have something in common. They are both worth avoiding and for the same reason—their sweeping generalization and gross exaggerations are divisive and reprehensible. Therefore, so you do not have to listen to...
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