Any reputable school of Journalism teaches that their discipline sank to a low water mark in America at the end of the 1800’s. Two competing newspapers, one owned by Joseph Pulitzer and one owned by William Randolph Hearst, destroyed the integrity of the news with shameless sensationalism and a prurient disregard for the facts. That time is known as the period of Yellow Journalism.

Today, Yellow Journalism is again on the rise. But this time the plague is not spreading through newspapers. It is spreading through the internet and social media.

Worse, the infection has found its way into our political discourse. The Covid pandemic was mild in comparison to the Yellow Politics pandemic.

Often our elected representatives act like buffoons with little or no regard for civility or the actual facts.

We see the smirk on their faces as they shamelessly claim that lying is just an extension of their Right to Free Speech. Come on! The right of Free Speech guarantees that we can say what we actually believe! It does not give people a license to exaggerate, to obfuscate, and to vilify beyond reason!

If you think the disease has not been caught by a segment of society, think again! I heard an on-the-street interview in which a woman insisted that President Biden was a puppet of ex-President Obama, and without blinking an eye, the woman also said that President Biden is dead and represented to us by digital fakery.

Allow me to join a growing chorus! Bull!

Proposed: Vote for whomever you like but stop with the Yellow Politics!