A chess player who uses the screen name Timbeau wrote “There is only one political party in the US and it has two wings: One is called Democrat and the other Republican. The fundamental differences are non-existent. Both have a long history of managing the country on behalf of Big Business.”
True enough and very insightful, considering how much the Democrats and Republicans seem to be at odds. However, Timbeau cannot escape the implication that the underlying collusion between the two parties is a bad thing. It’s actually a good thing. Free Enterprise is one of our two most important principles here in the greatest country on the face of the Earth. Strong business equals a strong America. Anybody who doesn’t see that is unaware of how the world works.
By the way, our other most important principle is Equality before the Law. That’s the principle that needs support and strengthening right now.
Proposed: Americans, join the Reform Party. Make sure we support our own values by being fiscally conservative and moderate on social issues.
Timbeau, the fundamental difference between the Republican and Democrat parties is taxation. Republicans cut taxes when they can, Democrats raise them and promise to do so again to fund more dependencies. Businesses get big because of the efficiency of economies of scale which results in higher quality and lower prices than before. For example, consider automobiles. Choose any popular model, compare a 2019 version to its 1999 ancestor, look up prices and adjust for inflation. Same thing with computers. Big Pharma has extended lives and relieved suffering.
Timbeau, Democrat politicians oppose photo IDs for voting, oppose effective border security. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton slandered, “Republicans are doing everything they can to deny people of color the right to vote.” Dangerous claim. States governed by Republicans try to remove ineligible names from voter rolls, ie, the dead and those registered in other states. Democrats are in favor of sanctuary cites to shield illegal aliens from federal law, Republicans are opposed.
I live in Florida that has closed primaries so I will continue to be registered in the lesser of the two big government big parties until either Reform or Libertarian or Constitutional become electorally viable.