My name is John Anon, short for John Anonymous, and I am the resurrected spirit of the British Inspiration for the Founding Fathers, John Locke. I have come back from the grave to put one or two things right that my cousin Q seems to have gotten wrong!
It was recently reported in the Times of Israel (based on 2021 polling data by the conservative American Enterprise Institute) that 29% of Republicans believe in a secret battle between the forces of morality and a group of highly placed and influential child sex traffickers that include prominent Democrats and Hollywood elites. I suspect partisan hyperbole used to support an anti-Republican agenda, and I believe that number has been seriously inflated; because I do not believe that many Republicans are anywhere near that delusional.
At worst, I would guess that it amuses some Republicans to say things about Democrats that they know to be false. In other words, political sincerity is now a thing of the past. Which brings me to my cousin, Q.
Personally, I am all for battling pedophiles and child sex-traffickers, but I believe you misplace the attribution for those crimes, Q. Admittedly, I have precious little experience with the type, but I do have serious doubts that those deviant individuals have any kind of hard-and-fast political persuasions. The two things just don’t fit! So, Q, give it a rest! For your information there are nut bags out there who take that crap seriously!
Another thing, Q, is this thing about “TakeTheOath”. The oath uses the hashtag WWG1WGA (Where We Go One, We Go All). The phrase is reported to have been engraved on the bell of ex-president John F. Kennedy’s sailboat, and that would seem to be an appropriate sentiment in that context, given Kennedy’s heroic efforts to rescue a wounded shipmate, in spite of his own wounds, from the PT boat 109. Again, in essence, I agree! I would certainly like to see us all banded together in a common cause, but I detect a certain air of partisanship in the way you seem to be using the oath, Q. It strikes me as having more of an us against them kind of flavor. So, Q, when you take the oath, make sure you remember that last part. We sink or swim together! Another version of the oath is readily available and has never gone out of style. It’s the Pledge of Allegiance!
Q, you say there is a Storm coming. Once again, I agree with you completely, and the sooner the better. The Founding Fathers led us in a revolution designed to rid us, once and for all, from the pernicious and destructive domination of monarchical elites, and for a while, we enjoyed the benefits of that revolution, the reinvigorating renaissance of egalitarianism. But lately and sadly, we have allowed big money to reestablish a system of political elites perched atop both sides of the aisle. Let’s “Drain the Swamp,” but I have difficulty swallowing your descriptive details of the coming Storm. You say those same powerful elites mentioned above are the ones who need to be swept away in a legal tsunami of retribution. but Q, stop the baseless accusations about who the enemy is. The enemy is us! We created the system. We must now do the hard work of reforming it!
You asked if I believe that a cabal of Satanic, cannibalistic pedophiles operate a global child sex trafficking ring.
A cabal is a secret political clique or faction and since we still have freedom of association, speech and thought—no need to be secret. The Communist Party USA, founded in 1919 was never secret. There are no real cabals in the USA.
Today there is a large and ascending Marxist faction of the Democrat Party, they may not wave pictures of Chairman Mao, but they promote vast dependency by greater robbing of the productive class. 66% of college Democrats support Universal Basic Income. No secret here, no cabal. Moralists rightly worry about a nation of envy, theft, and sloth.
Satanists? Sure, there could still be some, no need for secrets, freedom of religion is still a right.
Cannibals? I have seen few reports. They are secret and very rare. Here is news from July 2021, “The Democratic-led House of Representatives passed a spending bill on Thursday that would eliminate a 45-year-old stipulation included in spending packages that prohibits taxpayer money from funding abortions. The bill passed with a 219-208 vote.” No reason to waste all those people who die young by mom’s choice, so let’s get some fresh stem cells to grow replacement tissue for us and force productive people to pay for it all. That next step will be a small one.
Child sex trafficking is real and evil. Moralists may see a relationship between that and other cultural changes.
I did not find the wording of the American Enterprise Institute question even though I searched the AEI site after skimming other sites.
We don’t need a coming storm. Instead, reduce the power of the political class to drive the people crazy. The current system was made by past and present political elites, not by us. The system is one of the best in the world. Conserve it first then restore some liberty and personal responsibility by shrinking the political class. We don’t need a fundamental transformation.
Us vs them is hard wired in our genes. Go team. The political class gets pleasure from power and coercion. The productive class gets pleasure from creating goods and services through voluntary exchange.
We are not all in this together. We find our own associations, cultures, nations. Let us be. We, the Loyal Opposition work against the expansionist political elite and its machinations.
You said, “There are no real cabals in the USA.”
Agreed! I only wish with that everyone could see our truth on this matter, but wacky conspiracy theorists do exist. For instance, many people believe in QAnon, and to the extent they spread their knuckleheaded theories, we, as a nation, are less well off.
You said, “Moralists rightly worry about a nation of envy, theft, and sloth.”
Agreed again, and agreed also, that a Universal Basic Income, even if economically feasible, would do nothing to decrease envy, theft, or sloth.
You said, “freedom of religion is still a right.”
Yes, and rightly so, but Satanists? Surely we have to draw the line somewhere! Let’s do this: “Freedom of Religions that promote Enlightened Thought and not Evil!”
In your fifth paragraph you seem to be conflating cannibalism and abortion to some extent, or at least postulating some future connection. Until the future proves you right, we should leave cannibalism and abortion as two distinctly different things.
You said, “Child sex trafficking is real and evil.”
Agreed, as clearly stated in my original essay. If not clearly stated enough, I apologize. You also said, “Moralists may see a relationship between that and other cultural changes.” Okay, but if we are still discussing QAnon nut bags, they do not have the right to demonize innocent people by falsely labelling them as child sex traffickers. With that much, I hope you agree!
You said, “I did not find the wording of the American Enterprise Institute question even though I searched the AEI site after skimming other sites.”
I did not look up the wording of the poll question. I did assume some misleading wording must have been involves. I did not say, nor do I believe, that 29% of Republicans actually and truly believe that in their heart of hearts. My comment was they would (or might) agree with that kind of statement in order to amuse themselves at the expense of Democrats. Should you want to follow up, here is the exact quote from Wikipedia and the source listed: “In February 2021, a poll by the American Enterprise Institute found that 29% of Republicans believe the central claim of QAnon, that “Donald Trump has been secretly fighting a group of child sex traffickers that include prominent Democrats and Hollywood elites.”[102]
102: Sales, Ben (February 15, 2021). “Survey finds 3 in 10 Republicans believe QAnon child sex-trafficking theory”. Retrieved February 18, 2021.”
As to your last three paragraphs: Agreed with one minor observation. When you say, “We, the Loyal Opposition work against the expansionist political elite and its machinations.”, I hope you agree that the Loyal Opposition is us and the expansionist political elites are rousting and feasting on both sides of the aisle.
To use living stem cells from aborted fetuses as spare parts for birthed humans has been an argument in favor of abortion. The term “cannibalize” also refers to taking parts from a machine, say a car from the junk yard that will never run again, and put them in the functioning machine.
Somehow cannibalizing spare parts from a junk yard does not seem to be on the same moral plane as taking stem cells from aborted babies.