The Eight Party System
“I prefer clarity over agreement” Dennis Prager
One of the most famous Delphic Maxims inscribed by the ancient Greeks on the Temple at Delphi has been translated as “Know Thyself”.
The Democrat and Republican parties are destroying the political health of our nation. The DNC (Democrat National Committee) and the RNC (Republican National Committee) have seized control of the entire process, and they claim to represent nearly half the America populace each. They don’t.
The Pew Research Center for U.S. Politics and Policy has identified eight different political types of roughly equal proportions.
The eight distinct political types suggest the possibility of eight unique political parties instead of the current, outdated two.
Proposed: Let’s all unregister! Let’s help Found the eight political parties that truly do represent us. Let’s chop a hole in the roof of American politics and let in some light!
The Data is from Pew Research from 2014. The full Pew research report is available through a link provided at the end of this document. The material in this document has modified the Pew research materials in the following five ways: 1.Adverbs have been removed from the Party/Group descriptors to increase impartiality. 2.References to gender, age, and wealth have been removed to reduce a natural tendency towards bias. 3.Party/Group names (where indicated) have been added. 4.The Pew research divides the political landscape into three partisan groups, four less partisan and less predictable groups, and a group of politically inactive. The four less partisan groups are presented first in this document. 5.The order of presentation of the four moderate groups has been changed by moving one group ahead of another in order to juxtapose the first two groups.
Below are the eight emblems or icons proposed for each of the eight future parties. Double Click on each picture to view that party’s descriptors. Each of the eight Political Types described represent a segment of American society that self describes themselves the same way. Remember that each of the eight segments of American society are roughly the same as to size of the population (between ten and sixteen percent each as of the 2014 Pew Research Center report).
Once you have chosen the Party that seems to describe you best, return to this page (Back Button at the end of each Party Page) and Post your new Party Affiliation in the form of a Comment. When you Comment, you will be asked for a Name. You are encouraged to use any Name that strikes your fancy. You will also be asked for an email address. Please be reassured that only WinLoseorDraw will see your email address, and he is definitely not sharing it with anyone.
The Eight Party System
The four Less Partisan Groups
Small Government Independents (S.G.I.)
Big Government Independents (B.G.I.)
American Dreamers Labor Party (A.D.L.)
Faith and Family Firsters (F.&F.F.)
The three Partisan Groups
Steadfast Conservative (S.C.)
Business Conservative (B.C.)
Liberals and Progressives (L.&P.)
The Politically Inactive Group
Bystanders and Disaffected (B.&D.)
Please declare your Party Affiliation by typing a Comment below! If you chose to use a pseudonym, your anonymity is guaranteed.
Once one hundred (100) people affiliate with any one Party, papers will be filed to make the Party officially recognized.
Also, after you have made your Party Declaration, please follow this link to see the Pew research report entitled The Political Typology beyond Red versus Blue:
You might like to take their seventeen question quiz which helps to further refine your personal profile.
Which of the Ring of Eight is most dissociated from objective reality? Dennis Prager declares,
We can talk about ideals all day & really get nowhere. People are already divided into those with careers & those on Welfare. Those with careers are mostly too busy to be involved in a lot of rhetoric. A problem arises with that: Television & Mainstream newspapers, owned by those promoting a Socialist agenda. Some of their subsidiaries include AARP, The Labor Unions, Hollywood & Govt schools…all of which add up to a huge factor.
My brother has a Master’s Degree; so obviously, has to be quite smart: BUT…he said Trump is an idiot…what? How many idiots can claim independent wealth, well beyond the means of nearly all Americans. He funded his own campaign, & defeated 16 well-funded members of the GOP to secure the Presidential nomination, then…went on to defeat Hillary Clinton…also, well funded. Idiot? Really? I wish I were blessed with that kind of idiocy! (I’m sure that most of the people in the country feel the same….why do you think so many people throw away so much money on winning the lottery?) President Trump has vowed to donate his entire Presidential salary to charity…his claim is to be obligated to no one (that is why the MSM is so frustrated…they can’t control him…it is quite the opposite, by default.
How much of this gets reported in MSM? Virtually nothing (as well as his numerous accomplishments, despite horrible vitriol thrust at him on a daily basis, from many quarters…including a witch-hunt by the Deep State).
WinLoseorDraw commends you for standing up for the current American President. The Presidency is a nearly sacred institution here in America.
Only future history will be able, however, to make an accurate assessment of President Trump’s tenure. President Trump has done some things that future history may judge kindly. WinLoseorDraw believes the tariffs on China may pan out in the long run. WinLoseorDraw applauds President Trump for suggesting that his department chairs trim their budgets by 5%, although 10% would be much better.
WinLoseorDraw also agrees with you that discussions about “ideals” often leads to arguments and usually doesn’t get us anywhere.
Furthermore, WinLoseorDraw agrees with you that Socialism is not the American way.
WinLoseorDraw does not agree with you that half of America is pitted in a life or death battle with the other half. There’s no Conspiracy. There’s just Free Thinking Americans expressing their opinions for better or for worse.
Misnamed Liberals and Progressives
Sure they are liberals and so are self-called conservatives, both are not monarchists. They are not progressives, they are in favor of expanding government control where it has not gone before. The result is regression to tyranny as in the recent case of Venezuela.
“We like the social safety net.” It beats working. But taxpayers are forced to pay for it. Why do you think this is right?
“We are very optimistic about the nation’s future, but we think that America needs to be adaptable to take advantage of changing times.” Free market private property capitalism is the most adaptable institution; and it creates real progress. This statement is empirical fact. Stop bleeding this most progressive institution.
“We believe that good diplomacy – rather than military strength – is the best way to ensure peace.” Diplomacy involves negotiation which works only when there are consequences. Military strength is necessary for effective diplomacy. Don’t misuse it.
“93% of us believes that stricter environmental laws and regulations are worth the cost.”
Here I agree with the Reactionary Richard who wrote, “Which new environmental laws do they favor? Government-restraining reactionaries would demand shrinking government elsewhere if it expands into new rules. I am guessing that BGIs are worried about climate change, they may be correct (objectively, the degree of correctness in highly uncertain) despite the fraud and hype. I propose that to tax greenhouse emissions, we abolish taxes on incomes, payrolls, businesses and estates; replace them with the Fair Tax.”
“83% of us believes that Government should do more to help the needy even if it means going deeper into debt”
Government gets money from taxpayers. Reactionary Richard again: “Consider the following estimates. Federal plus state plus local government spending in one year is $7.12 trillion divided by 121.32 million households is $58,700 per household, again every year. 2/3 of the federal budget and growing automatically is for social programs and will leap higher when Democrats control it. 60% of households receive more in government benefits than they pay in taxes. Total government debt in the US is $24.8 trillion, $204,000 per household and growing automatically. Unfunded federal entitlement liabilities plus state public pension unfunded liabilities total $121.7 which is $1,003,000 per household.” Are you sure you want more of that? If so, why? How do you think this will end?
“93 % of us believes that Immigrants today strengthen our country because of their hard work and talents.” The welfare state has made this statement no longer true. The Democrat Party propagates this false statement because it wants more proletarians to vote for more welfare programs. The Party is strengthened while Liberty withers away.
“87% of us believe that Abortion should be legal in all or most cases.” Do you also want taxpayers to pay for it? If so, why?
“80% of us believes that Racial discrimination is the main reason why many blacks can’t get ahead these days.” The Civil Rights movement succeeded, and blacks have all the legal rights as anyone else. That success took 100 years after emancipation with Democrat opposition all the way. My three score years of observation shows a strong bias amongst most whites to see blacks succeed, of course there are exceptions. Compared to whites and Asians, blacks have disproportionately lower average cognitive skills, higher rates of poverty, crime, subsidies and voting for Democrats. False narratives and more subsidies make social problems worse.
“Unfunded federal entitlement liabilities plus state public pension unfunded liabilities total $121.7 which is $1,003,000 per household.” Correction: put a trillion after $121.7, as in $121,700,000,000,000.
Is it possible that we are leveraged beyond our means?
Does the rest of the world know how fiscally irresponsible we have been?
When will everyone realize that balancing the budget and reducing the debt is the only truly important issue before us?
1. Yes we are beyond our means until there are major changes.
2. I think most of the financially literate people know.
3. I disagree. In my opinion strategic nuclear defense is the most important issue. Russia and China are upgrading and expanding their offensive strategic nuclear weapons systems while our federal welfare programs automatically grow faster than the economy, crowding out other kinds of spending. Government debt is a result of bribing increasing shares of the electorate with subsidies at the expense of current and future taxpayers, now a minority of households. Abolishing subsidies and emancipating taxpayers is my second big issue.
1. Thanks for agreeing that our beloved country is “leveraged beyond its means,” or is at least on the brink. Given that we agree about that, how could anything be more important? On a micro or macro scale, being leveraged beyond the available means falls into the category of financial disaster. That’s what happened to the housing market in 2008.
2. If WinLoseorDraw and Reid Reality know it, the rest of the world, including those who hold some ill-will towards us, certainly do know it.
3. Considering the third World Crazies who are running some of the third world, some research and development in the area of strategic nuclear defense would be very timely. But Russia and China are much more likely to attack us on a financial front. If one or the other were to attack us with nuclear weapons, the whole world would move against them.
3b. WinLoseorDraw agrees the government subsidies of taxpayer money must be abolished. Government should not pick winners and losers in our Democracy.
3c. “Emancipating taxpayers” sounds like a great idea, if we weren’t financially stressed already.
Comments on Business Conservatives
According to the descriptor, “We believe in small government and that government is almost always wasteful. Matters should be left to Wall Street and the business community. We believe that immigrants strengthen the country and we take a positive view of U.S. global involvement.”
Matters should be left to individuals and their private organizations in general, no need to specify Wall Street and the business community.
The welfare state has ruined the benefits of immigration. Elsewhere in this blog I proposed, 1. Secure the borders and stop illegal immigration. 2. Enforce current laws but abolish lottery, chain and anchor baby immigration laws. 3. Improve screening of foreign visitors and potential legal immigrants. It is prudent to restrict visitors and immigrants from places with high rates of terrorism. 4. Deport all illegals who are convicted of further crimes. 5. Abolish all subsidies; abolish taxes on incomes, payrolls and businesses (replace with the Fair Tax); abolish minimum wage and employment mandates. 6. Remaining illegals may never become voting citizens. 7. Only after all the above have been permanently changed can we then increase legal immigration.
About US global involvement I suggest free trade with free people and tariffs on tyrants. A global military presence is prudent but we must pick our fights carefully. For example, aiding Ukraine against Russia can get us nuked.
“92% believe it is not the responsibility of the federal government to make sure all Americans have health care coverage.” Before January 1st 2019, this Congress could simply abolish federal and state mandates on health insurance. Then people would be free to shop around for policies that are tailored for them. We would also benefit from more commercials from Flo the Progressive Insurance comedienne and from that cute gecko.
“90% believe Government is doing too many things better left to businesses and individuals.” Correct.
“89% believe that the government today can’t afford to do much more to help the needy.”
“Much more?” Government is broke and getting broker by the second. Elsewhere in this blog I wrote, consider the following estimates: Federal plus state plus local government spending in one year is $7.12 trillion divided by 121.32 million households is $58,700 per household, again every year. 2/3 of the federal budget and growing automatically is for social programs and will leap higher when Democrats control it. 60% of households receive more in government benefits than they pay in taxes. Total government debt in the US is $24.8 trillion, $204,000 per household and growing automatically. Unfunded federal entitlement liabilities plus state public pension unfunded liabilities total $121.7 which is $1,003,000 per household, also growing automatically. Young taxpayers are broke even before they start working.
“88% of believe that government is almost always wasteful and inefficient.” And it makes millions of our citizens helpless and needy.
Comments on Faith and Family Firsters (F.&F.F.) aka, Faith and Family Left
Pew called them Faith and Family Left, an example would be Reverend Jeremiah Wright. I disagree with dropping Left in favor of Firsters because many Conservatives are also first on faith and family. In the US, Left means increasing political control of institutions and Right means resistance.
According to the descriptor, “We favor increased government aid for the poor even if it adds to the deficit and believe that government should do more to solve national problems.”
First, the federal government is broke. Consider the following estimates: Federal plus state plus local government spending in one year is $7.12 trillion divided by 121.32 million households is $58,700 per household, again every year. 2/3 of the federal budget and growing automatically is for social programs and will leap higher when Democrats control it. 60% of households receive more in government benefits than they pay in taxes. Total government debt in the US is $24.8 trillion, $204,000 per household and growing automatically. Unfunded federal entitlement liabilities plus state public pension unfunded liabilities total $121.7 which is $1,003,000 per household, also growing automatically. Children who grow up in the taxpaying class are slaves to the political class.
Second, taxation is legal theft and more is worse. Thou shall not steal. The alternative is Liberty, it is morally superior than and more efficient than looting the makers of wealth and bribing the takers for votes. An honest analysis of history shows that free markets and free minds produce the greatest good for the greatest numbers of people.
“We oppose same-sex marriage.” So did President Obama until later in his second term. The Left is about replacing all traditional and private institutions with political control. “He will change our traditions,” said his wife. President Obama said that his program is about “fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” More will come with the next Democrat government.
“70% believe that Immigrants strengthen our country because of their hard work and talents.” This was true before the welfare state but conditions have radically changed. Elsewhere in this blog is a program for immigration reform: 1. Secure the borders and stop illegal immigration. 2. Enforce current laws but abolish lottery, chain and anchor baby immigration laws. 3. Improve screening of foreign visitors and potential legal immigrants. It is prudent to restrict visitors and immigrants from places with high rates of terrorism. 4. Deport all illegals who are convicted of further crimes. 5. Abolish all subsidies; abolish taxes on incomes, payrolls and businesses (replace with the Fair Tax); abolish minimum wage and employment mandates. 6. Remaining illegals may never become voting citizens. 7. Only after all the above have been permanently changed can we then increase legal immigration.
“73% believe that compassion and helping others is a core value.” Forced subsidization is not compassion, it is loot and bribery. Subsidizing the poor to remain poor is not helping them. Before the welfare state, beginning in 1933, individuals formed effective mutual aid societies to help each other when members had problems. What if the welfare state never caught on and government today would be 1/3 its current size? Today there would be fewer criminals and more millionaires.
Comments on A.D.L . aka Hard Pressed Skeptics
It appears that this may be a group where a majority voted for Obama and later for Trump.
“87% believe the U.S. should pay less attention to problems overseas and concentrate at home.”
I tend to generally agree but the world is a dangerous place and there are legitimate security functions that extend beyond our shores.
“79% believe that immigrants today are a burden on the country.”
This is a tragedy caused by the welfare state and its Balkanizing multi-culturalism. Not all immigrants are a burden. My own proposal is: 1. Secure the borders and stop illegal immigration. 2. Enforce current laws but abolish lottery, chain and anchor baby immigration laws. 3. Improve screening of foreign visitors and potential legal immigrants. It is prudent to restrict visitors and immigrants from places with high rates of terrorism. 4. Deport all illegals who are convicted of further crimes. 5. Abolish all subsidies; abolish taxes on incomes, payrolls and businesses (replace with the Fair Tax); abolish minimum wage and employment mandates. 6. Remaining illegals may never become voting citizens. 7. Only after all the above have been permanently changed can we then increase legal immigration.
“71% believe that poor people have hard lives because government benefits don’t go far enough.”
Here is another tragedy of the welfare state where people look to take others’ property for their own consumption. Salust said, “Few men desire liberty; most men wish only for a just master” and Marx claimed socialism is inevitable.
Consider the following estimates. Federal plus state plus local government spending in one year is $7.12 trillion divided by 121.32 million households is $58,700 per household, again every year. 2/3 of the federal budget and growing automatically is for social programs and will leap higher when Democrats control it. 60% of households receive more in government benefits than they pay in taxes.
Total government debt in the US is $24.8 trillion, $204,000 per household and growing automatically. Unfunded federal entitlement liabilities plus state public pension unfunded liabilities total $121.7 which is $1,003,000 per household.
More of all that will be harder, the recent decimation of Venezuela shows what socialism can do. History also gives us reason to believe that Liberty can solve these problems. Abolish government impediments to production and exchange of goods and services (see #5 above) then people will have more control over their lives and more wealth if they choose. One of the impediments has been subsidized schooling from daycare through college which powerfully promotes dependency.
Reaction to B.G.I. aka New Generation Left
“91% believe it is NOT necessary to believe in God in order to be moral and have good values but about half of us do attend church.” I agree and am surprised that church attendance is this high. The promise of eternity can be motivating. Marx called religion the opiate of the masses; pain relief, comfort and a touch of euphoria are indeed good.
“81% believe that stricter environmental laws and regulations are worth the cost.” Which new environmental laws do they favor? Government-restraining reactionaries would demand shrinking government elsewhere if it expands into new rules. I am guessing that BGIs are worried about climate change, they may be correct (objectively, the degree of correctness is highly uncertain) despite the fraud and hype. I propose that to tax greenhouse emissions, we abolish taxes on incomes, payrolls, businesses and estates; replace them with the Fair Tax.
“71% believe that relying too much on military force to defeat terrorism creates hatred that leads to more terrorism.” In war the aggressor sets the rules. How would the BGIs prefer to respond? How is this different from defeating Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany? Did FDR rely too much on military force?
“68% believe that government aid to the poor does more good than harm.” Government gets money by force from taxpayers, it is legal theft and theft is bad. People respond to incentives; paying people because they are poor promotes the values and behaviors of poverty. Before the welfare state, people chose to form mutual aid societies which they ran democratically. In these societies contributors and recipients knew each other. That arrangement was morally superior to and economically more efficient than mass loot and bribe, aka “transfer” payments.
A Reactionary’s Reaction to Young Outsiders, aka Small Government Independents
Pew’s descriptors of this group are in quotes and my reactions follow.
“86% believe that government aid to the poor does more harm than good.” Correct, these programs create a large and growing voting block of recipients and social service workers for Democrats which is indeed harmful.
“76% believe that government can’t afford to do much more to help the needy.” Correct, the federal government is broke but continues to spend like drunken socialists.
“78% believe that homosexuality should be accepted by society.” Don’t should on me. It is one thing to abolish laws about what consenting adults do with each other but it is wrong to use the power of government to ban private organizations from choosing to not do business with people for any reason; so-called “human rights ordinances” that are dictatorial and grow government power over individuals.
“68% believe that stricter environmental laws and regulations are worth the cost.” More laws mean bigger government. Which environmental problems require more laws? Greenhouse gases? If so, then we must shrink government elsewhere.
“67% believe that use of marijuana should be legal.” Only after all health care and disability subsidies are abolished.
Here people are classified based on their responses to questions. They can also be classified based on what they actually do. The political economy has Makers and Takers. According to the Tax Foundation, 40% of households pay more in taxes that they receive in government benefits, they are the Makers. 60% receive more in government benefits than they pay in taxes, the Takers.
The Democrat party is hostile to Makers and want to take more from them and give more to the Takers whose numbers continue to grow with demographic change and with automatic increases in entitlements. Republicans meekly defend the Makers but they are out-numbered. This trend is getting progressively ugly.
Not all Democrats are Takers, Lenin called such comrades Useful Idiots. Not all Republicans are Makers, and these Takers are meekly trying to give back, to protect the proverbial goose that lays the golden eggs from those who want to bleed it.
Since there are Democrats who are not “takers,” shouldn’t we just call them “makers”? “Useful Idiots” seems unnecessarily pejorative.
Also, you have called Republicans who are not “Makers” “Takers…meekly trying to give back…”. Shouldn’t we just call them “Givers.”
Yes, yes, I have sinned with my word choices. Maybe I will have Professor Hanson as my cell mate in the gulag.
Stead-Fast Conservative (SC) is where the quiz classified me but I call myself a Reactionary to the engulfment of private institutions by the political. I will comment on what we are said to believe.
“81% of my group believes our country has made the changes needed to give blacks equal rights with whites.” Democrats blocked those changes until 1965. Democrats in the South held on to political retribution against innocent Americans for 100 years. In 2016 Hillary Clinton falsely claimed the dangerous slander that Republicans were trying to deny voting rights to people of color and today some Democrats plot a “reparations for slavery” scheme of racist looting. Social justice and atonement demands that we defeat Democrats.
“75% of my group believes our country has gone too far in its efforts to protect the environment.” We are highly skeptical of the political class claiming climate change crisis as a reason to control emissions, industries and people. How about this deal: Enact a carbon tax and in exchange we permanently abolish payroll and income taxes. The Clean Air and Water Acts were spectacular successes, but there have been regulation promulgations that are excesses.
“73% of my group believes Immigrants today are a burden on our country because they take our jobs, housing and health care.” Secure the border, abolish subsidies, abolish minimum wages, abolish income and payroll taxes, then consider increasing legal immigration.
Total government spending divided by the number of households averages $56,500 per household per year. Democrat politicians actively work for more, Republicans maintain the status quo on total spending. There is no movement to reduce the size of government. Teach the children that they must work hard, millions on subsidies depend on them.
The Revolution continues!
Praise for the Bystanders
Good for those who possess superior qualities. The Bystanders are rational in their nonparticipation in and unconcern with the political class. It is extremely rare when one vote determines the outcome of an election and Bystanders do not waste precious time on voting. Most Bystanders wisely ignore issues that they have nearly zero control over. Instead, two thirds would rather be in the great healthy outdoors, and 64% get low-cost entertainment pleasure from celebrities of their own choosing. They live life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Bystander, may your favorite team win the championship.
Approximately ten percent of the American populace tend to agree with those sentiments.
“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.” – Albert Einstein
Albert and Isaac were the greatest in physics and normal in other utterances. Indeed we must recognize and defeat evil. Charles Kesler wrote a recent article on our cold civil war.
WinLoseorDraw has read the article to which you have kindly provided a link.
The article is entitled “American Cold Civil War,” by Charles R. Kessler. Mr. Kesler is an honored professor at Claremont McKenna College and the author of I Am the Change: Barack Obama and the Future of Liberalism.
In this article, Mr. Kesler characterizes his book as “…a book about Barack Obama in which I predicted that modern American Liberalism, under pressure both fiscal and philosophical, would either go out of business or be forced to radicalize.” Mr. Kesler predicts two forms of left-wing “radicalization:” “socialism” or “…an increasingly post-modern form of leadership.”
Readers of this blog will not be surprised that WinLoseorDraw agrees with Mr. Kesler’s assessment of political splintering, but only in that all so-called “wings” (not just the left-wing) of the American political landscape are reformulating, left, right, and down the middle. This uncomfortable and disconcerting process of looking for solid ground is called Democracy.
Mr. Kesler regrets that some Americans have Socialist voting habits as evidenced in recent polling increases for candidates like Bernie Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez. WinLoseorDraw shares Mr. Kesler’s antipathy towards the authoritarian concept of Socialism, but WinLoseorDraw believes that the small percentage of Socialist voters in America are, for the most part, well-meaning individuals whose opinions deserve to be heard. However, American values are incompatible with the autocratic vision of Socialism. The Age of wasteful, profligate spending and inefficient Big Government and Big Government programs must end. Otherwise, the gargantuan national debt will swallow us whole.
Moving to Mr. Kesler’s main point, the bulk of his article is about the second wave of “radicalization,” towards “… an increasingly post-modern form of leadership.” Mr. Kesler labels this Chimera “identity politics,” described as “…quasi-Nietzchean faith in race, sex, and power…”.Mr. Kesler seems to be advocating a less democratic form of Democracy where American citizens who wish to advocate for more personal freedom should just take a seat in the back of the bus and remain quiet until the driver tells them it is time to leave.
Capital “D” Democracy demands that people function lawfully within the Constitution and the laws of the Land. Capital “D” Democracy also demands that the wants and the needs of the citizenry must be heard. Social and Political progress depends on that.
Democracy is majority supremacy, US values are changing and socialist voters are not well meaning–loot and bribe is nasty. Republican elites are enablers. Here is an interview with a great capitalist.
Maybe the only “fair” tax is a poll tax where voters multiply their votes by the dollars in voluntary taxes. Of course that is no longer a tax, it is buying shares in corporate government. Is George Soros a US citizen?
Most men are more concerned about the stones in their shoes than about Caesar’s glory. Or something like that.
The present political train wreck is a stone in our shoe. It’s the biggest stone in our shoe.
There’s a reason we are unconcerned with the glories of the American Caesars. The reason is this: They are merely tin gods. Some hang a big “R” on their chest. Others go with a big “D”. Either way the current system (Let’s call it a system just for a laugh) is set up to deliver us with equally bad choices.
The point of Eight Party America is (Plot Spoiler) that we should abandon the two useless parties and start voting for people who would actually represent our wants and needs.