If asked yesterday, I would have preferred Rice. In hindsight (always the clearest and most accurate sight) I think Biden made the best choice. Kamala is the more edgy and feisty of the two, so she makes a good addition to the ticket in that respect. President Trump may say that the Republicans wanted Joe to pick her, but I doubt it. Mike Pence is no light-weight, but the VP debates just got more interesting.
I am no political consultant, but here is my unsolicited advice to the Democrats: Go with the up with women scenario. Don’t downplay the women of color scenario, but don’t make it the centerpiece. A lot of women without color, like my wife, are feeling marginalized. Give women without color something to feel good about, and that will translate into a gain in the vote count.
I am happy for this moment in the sun for women of color; but if they keep beating that drum so loudly, they may lose as many votes as they gain.
I’ll say it again. Popularity contests are not the best method of choosing our national leaders. They aren’t even the best way to choose a prom queen.
Vote like your grandchildren will pay the taxes.
Bitter Clinger:
I agree, so I hope you will agree that neither Joe Biden nor Donald Trump are good options.
Let’s agree that both sides represent a government juggernaut hell bent on spending our great country into oblivion.
In the original post I said that popular elections are a terrible way to pick our political leaders. At the risk of repeating myself, I have said it once again. Popular elections are not even a good way to pick the prom queen.
Word of the day Clinger: Meritocracy
And when I say meritocracy I do not mean being good at one-liner put downs. I mean real merit. A blind beet farmer could potentially inspire more confidence than any of the candidates we have seen in any of the recent national elections.
Let’s vote, as you say, for someone who will make things better for our grand kids. Let’s vote for someone who actually works hard and selflessly, someone who doesn’t just pay lip service to promoting the public good, but someone who works every day for the public good. Let’s google “Servant of the People”, see who comes up, and write him or her in!
Only one of those two will win, they are the only options unless a third or fourth becomes a viable candidate in the next 39 days which is highly unlikely. Word of the days: Reality.
“You may say that I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.”
John Lennon after the Beatles took a trip to India, but count me in.